
Our volunteers offer their time and energy to help us preserve and celebrate the arts and our heritage. But you also get something back from volunteering – you make new friends, learn new skills, and enjoy knowing that you are making a huge difference.

Heritage Volunteering – From the conservation of books and textiles to projects in historic parks and gardens, our Heritage Volunteers help to conserve and protect the nation’s heritage.

Young Arts – Encouraging people to engage in arts projects is a valuable and rewarding area of our volunteering. Arts projects for children, young people and other groups in the local area are sponsored and facilitated by the Society and may be supported by grants from The Arts Society. 

Trails of Discovery - Information is available from the .pdf at the bottom of the Home page - Trails of Discovery.  Further information is available from Gill Murphy, the East Midlands Area representative, at glmurphy@btinternet.com.  A new venture is a collaboration with Community Rail Network to do trails from stations on branch lines.

Currently, Nottingham is not involved in Church Recording but we would welcome and support anyone with an interest.

Contact The Arts Society Nottingham or go to https://www.theartssociety.org/volunteering