The Arts Society Nottingham

Welcome to the Arts Society Nottingham

The Arts Society Nottingham is a member society of The Arts Society nationally. The Arts Society centrally is an umbrella organisation which has played an increasingly important role during the Corona virus outbreak.

The Aims of The Arts Society are: the advancement of arts education and appreciation, and the preservation of our artistic heritage and these are promoted by lectures on fine and decorative arts in their widest sense; through study days, visits and tours and the giving of grants. The Arts Society members who volunteer can learn new skills, make friends and benefit their communities.

The main part of the Society’s activities is the lecture programme which can be seen by selecting “Programme of Events” on the menu above. The one-hour lectures explore many facets of art and design covering an eclectic range of interests. The talks are presented by accomplished speakers who are experts on their subject and illustrate their presentations with high quality images.

The Society meets in Nottingham at the Broadway cinema on the second Wednesday of the month from October to June. There are two sessions on the same morning: 10:30 - 11:30 am and 12:30 - 1:30 pm. There is no pre-booking available, just turn up to your preferred session. The venue provides a superb and spacious lecture theatre with cinema quality presentations.  

The “Programme of Events” also provides details of our study days, visits and, in some years, courses.  

Days of Special Interest are a more in depth look at a particular subject, involving either three lectures in the day (with lunch). or two lectures with lunch optional.

A visit to Coventry Cathedral and St Mary's Guildhall has been organised for 5 June 2024. Further details can be found at Summary of Visits.

No courses have been planned for the 2024/25 season.

Membership is not essential for any of these although you should be a member of the national part of The Arts Society - see “Membership” option.

For those who want some hands-on involvement, the “Other Activities” option includes details of our Heritage Volunteers programme with practical restoration work of books and some embroidery. This has returned to normal following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions.

The Arts Society Nottingham also supports the involvement of young people with Young Arts and details of our activities are shown in “Other Activities”.


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Online Payments

Payments to The Arts Society Nottingham can be made using the details in Online Payments These are likely to be fees for membership, courses, outings and study days or for guest attendance at lectures.  If you are a member of TASN your membership number, which you will need to quote, can be found on the front of your Membership Information Diary or on your small card with the bar-code. In each case it is next to the bar code. Alternatively, you can pay at lectures by card. You will just have to provide your name, membership number and the event you are paying for.

East Midlands Area

There are 18 other local societies affiliated to The Arts Society in the East Midlands Area. From time to time, activities such as study days or outings, which may be of interest to our members, will be mentioned by the Chair at lectures or information given in our monthly emails.  

A list of these societies is at TAS East Midlands. Once there, you can click on any society of interest to get full details of their activities and information on how to participate.

The Area Support team also co-ordinates Arts voluteering, Heritage volunteers and Trails of Discovery throughout the region


To apply as a NEW member or to renew your membership, please use the link below.



Membership Application

Renew or sign up for membership to the Arts Society Nottingham